Ternehaven 127, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark
Dette er en kategori, der handler om kærlighed, lys og mod. Det er inspireret af en af de modigste sjæle, jeg nogensinde har haft privilegiet af at kende og et af de klareste lys, man nogensinde kunne opleve. Hun viste os ikke bare vejen til lyset. Hun viste os, hvordan man bliver det lys, man søger. Intet mørke kan nogensinde slukke hendes lys. Tak, Annijamila for at inspirere denne evighedsfejring af dig. :-)
23. marts 2023 tabte Annijamila sin lange, modige og inspirerende kamp mod kræften, men under sin "Love Journey", som hun kaldte den kamp, der ville end med at tage hendes liv, lykkedes det hende at bekræfte skønheden og værdien af livet og kærligheden på måder, der vil fortsætte med at inspirere alle os, der var så privilegerede at opleve hendes lys.
I kølvandet på hendes bortgang står hendes mand og datter, Alberto og Ava, over for den ekstreme følelsesmæssige, sociale og økonomiske udfordring at genopbygge deres liv. Til ære for hendes elskede minde håber vi, at indtægterne fra denne indsamling kan være med til at lette deres kamp.
Til dig, køber: Alle indtægter fra denne indsamling går til: "Hjælp Ava og Alberto med at genopbygge" - Tusind tak for din hjælp.
,Maurice Lehde Tillman
On each product page, the product description starts with a shorter message in italic and boldface that describes the thought “behind the design”. Please read that, as it tells the message and accentuates the beauty and purpose of the design. :-)
We want to use the human frame as a pillar of projection for good, fun, meaningful and enlightening messages that inspire and delight us and. at the same time, make us stop up and relate to the world, ourselves and each other. :-)
We are a group of creative, free-thinking, socially conscious people who all have an unyielding desire to spread light, joy and good vibes. :-)
"Me-ssages" is our contribution to that commitment. :-)
Our name, Me-ssages, is, of course, a play on the words me and messages. :-) We want every message you project to be a “me-message”, a message that is a positive, personal projection from you to the world. Therefor the portmanteau “me-ssages”. :-)
We do our best to give you high-quality products at affordable prices. We want to create a "win-win" situation. where both we and you are happy. But actually, that isn´t enough for us. Because we are keenly aware of our social responsibility, we want to create a "win-win-win" situation, where we, you and all others share the spoils. We believe that that is the way it should be - here and everywhere. That is why we are currently working on integrating automated solutions for charitable giving - where we donate a percentage of our earnings to support various causes like climate awareness, animal protection, humanitarian relief etc. :-)